How to get Unstuck
in six sessions
for students

Learn Nine Essential Life skills they should teach you in college, but don't.
An Essential Life Skills-Building System that change your life
I am inviting you to take part in what some high school and college students have called an extraordinary experience. To open your mind, increase your self-confidence and master Nine Life Skills they don’t teach in high school or college, but should.
It is common to run into problems in our lives that are difficult to deal with. Growing up isn’t easy. These days, most people experience their own personal form of Anxiety on some level, but don’t know specific methods exactly how to handle it. My special Hypnotherapy sessions has been known to help.
The Plan
First, there are personal issues to address. That is why you first contacted me. That would be the major purpose of this process. (You might find that the problem itself becomes smaller and smaller as we do the work). This may take the bulk of the sessions, and that is the right thing to do, if that is what is most helpful for you. However, in the first session or two, I want you to feel comfortable, and learn how the human mind can be trained to work for you and not against you. Understanding this makes all change easier. Once you gain these inner super-powers, then any problem becomes less of a problem.
In addition, a typical 6-session program may include much or all of the following:
1. Protection. Ways to feel protected and safe inside. Freeing yourself from past or present fears. Practicing a balance of Mindfulness with Hypnosis.
2. Get Anxiety out of your way. Gaining a deeper understanding of your personal strengths and unique resources. When you feel better about yourself, change becomes easier. Learning anti-anxiety tools to take back to school and home with you to use as needed.
3. Going through a process to get rid of excess emotions anytime they appear. Plus find forgiveness for things done in the past so you can move forward.
4. Thoughts? What are thoughts and their purpose? What do you do with negative thoughts? With positive thoughts? What is imagination’s true purpose? How do you control this to your benefit?
5. Removing taking everything personal. You are not the target. Finding a process to taking charge of your life and health throughout the day and night.
6. Gaining clearer motivation, freeing yourself from bad habits and changing them into Good Habits that work to benefit you each day.
7. Developing a Safe Space in your own mind, and using that Safe Place anytime you wish.
8. Learn how to develop Self-Hypnosis, a skill of the human mind, for you to master throughout your life. Imagine, exploring the Subconscious, and getting your Subconscious work with you, not self-sabotage yourself again.
9. Plus, gaining Self-Confidence and increasing Self-Esteem, utilizing your authentic self.
We do what works best for your needs.
I look forward to our first official Zoom Hypnotherapy session.
Alan Barsky
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Find me on Linked-in with 1450 endorsements
Or on YELP 5 Star reviews
Look Deeper Into Your Self.
How do you react to Stress?
Fight, Flight, or with INSIGHT?
In the last year:
•Featured Presenter at American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, Los Angeles
•Featured Hypnotherapist on International Association of Therapists and Counselors Monthly Magazine
•Presenter at world's largest Hypnosis conference, 8 years in a row, HTLIVE, Las Vegas
•"Chief Anxiety Officer" and presenter at the International Health & Wellness Summit, online May, 2020
Read My Book: “How To Get Unstuck”.
A Self-Hypnosis guide to taking charge of your Life, Health and Career. Includes recordings of the trances inside.
This is included in your program and I send it to you after the second session
Phone: 415-389-9444 private voicemail
Town: Mill Valley, CA. USA
• Website: www.BodyMindHypnosis.com or www.AlanBarsky.com
• Book on Pain Relief: www.worldsgreatesthypnotherapists.com
• Online Course to lose weight: https://www.udemy.com/lose-weight-while-eating-a-pizza/?dtcode=buvxU1s2RXk9
• Website for Hypnotherapy Coach Training for Professionals: www.MindfulHypnosisCoach.com
My books have been endorsed by many dozens of medical doctors and major mental health professionals.
My partner and/or I have been interviewed on radio, newspapers, websites and magazines, including mentioned in Good Housekeeping Magazine, highlighted on the front of FORBES Health page (internet), and, as published articles or references, by Reuters, The StreetInsider, Alpha Trade, IT Briefing, Information Week, Media India, Corp Magazine, Forbes Health website, Medical PainWeek Digest, Hospital News, Huluplus, VoiceAmerica Network……….plus a long, long list…
The program has helped hundreds of people leave their anxiety and stress behind. Master your subconscious and learn to control excess emotions

ebook with matching recordings.
SHOP on the SHOP Page of this website, at the top of the website menu on the right side, called SHOP
Classic Self-Hypnosis workbook. You will learn Quantum Focusing, a key Mindfulness Self-Hypnosis skill to get rid of Anxiety in your Life. Thousands sold. By Alan Barsky & Michael Ellner

101 Proofs of Hypnosis in the Medical Field
Howl Away the Virus in 2020
In March, 2020, the world was surprised by a new virus that was set loose. We called it then Covid-19. But front line medical professionals and volunteers, public health administrators and so many others joined in, took care of people face-to-face, toe-to toe, and bravely overcame the problem in a matter of months. Here is one of the methods that helped people who were sheltering in place do their part